# MVPStarter A repository to quick start an Android project in MVP architecture. ## Usage 1. Clone MVPStarter to appropriate project folder Example: `git clone http://farhan.ali@ ` 2. Update *package* entry in *AndroidManifest.xml* to appropriate one Example: `package="com.tecsol.mvpstarter"` to `package="com.mtvindia.connect"` 3. Update *applicationId* in app *build.gradle* Example: `applicationId "com.tecsol.mvpstarter"` to `applicationId "com.mtvindia.connect"` 4. Rename *MvpApplication* class within package *.app* to appropriate one Example: `com.mtvindia.connect.app.MvpApplication` to `com.mtvinida.connect.app.MtvConnectApplication` 5. Update *USER_AGENT* config in *.app.Config* to appropriate one Example: `USER_AGENT = "Tecsol-MVPStarter-App"` to `USER_AGENT = "MtvConnect-Android-App"` 6. Update *strings.xml* with appropriate values 7. Remove sample activity, presenter and layout files 8. Update/remove this README.md 9. Remove current git information and init with new project git setup, for example: cd # remove existing .git folder if any rm -rf .git # init new git & add remote git init git remote add origin http://some_git_server/some_project.git # initial commit to master only with readme file git add README.md git commit -m "Initial commit" git push -u origin master # create develop branch and checkout git checkout -b develop # initial commit to develop with all other files git add --all git commit -m "Initial Commit" git push -u origin develop